The Romanian Orthodox Church in London (Ontario, Canada) was founded in 1986. The first service was held on September 14, which is why the parish received the patronage of the “Ascension of the Holy Cross”.
Driven by an infinite love for the Orthodox Christian faith, with a longing for the ancestral traditions and love of God, a number of believers - led by Vasile and Zamfira Fluture - laid the foundation of the new mission, dedicating themselves and struggling, that here in London, the Holy Liturgy be served every Sunday.
The beginning of this parish is tied to the name of Father Nicolae Zelea, who had supported and encouraged the faithful of this community for 9 years. He initially served the Orthodox Holy Liturgy in Romanian at various church locations in London, lacking a home-base building. He selflessly dedicated his time to give this mission a good start. He passed the threshold of eternity on September 19, 2007, at the age of 91.
Shortly after the arrival of Father Dumitru Păun on November 1, 1996, the dream of the Romanian Orthodox faithful in London to have their own place of worship became a reality. Thus, on March 19, 1998, the purchasing documents of the present church were signed. The entire community contributed enthusiastically and joyfully to the embellishment of the new place of worship.
After Father Dumitru’s departure to the United States (on December 7, 2000), religious services were conducted by Detroit-based priest, Alexandru Partioc, for a period of about 2 years.
On April 19, 2003, coming for the second time to Canada (the first visit being between 1991 and 1992), Father Mihai Cociu settled with his family in London, constantly working for the good functioning of this parish. He dedicated himself and fulfilled - in words as in deeds - his calling as a shepherd of souls. He passed into eternity on October 20, 2017 after a merciless illness, which eventually took him away from his loved ones and faithful followers.
By the grace of God, Father Vasile Marin Țibre has been the new parish priest since November 12, 2017.
During all these years, considerable efforts have been made to embellish this Holy church and to serve Holy Liturgy and conduct all religious and charitable activities in the best possible ways. We thank the caregivers of the little souls at Sunday school, and also to all those who have been dedicating their time to this Holy place, which is why we ask God to reward them all and give them a beautiful and fulfilling life, and in their future life, salvation of their souls.
The Romanian Orthodox Church in London is part of the romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America (ROEA), shepherded by His Eminence Archbishop Nathaniel.